Early years
Mirra Alfassa (Paris 21.2.1878 - Pondicherry 17.11.73) was born as the second child of an Egyptian mother and a Turkish father, a few months after her parents had settled in France. An extraordinarily gifted child, who became an accomplished painter and musician, she had many inner experiences from early childhood on. In her twenties she studied occultism in Algeria with Max Theon and his English wife Alma, who was a highly developed medium. After her return to Paris, the Mother worked with several different groups of spiritual seekers.
Mirra Alfassa (Paris 21.2.1878 - Pondicherry 17.11.73) was born as the second child of an Egyptian mother and a Turkish father, a few months after her parents had settled in France. An extraordinarily gifted child, who became an accomplished painter and musician, she had many inner experiences from early childhood on. In her twenties she studied occultism in Algeria with Max Theon and his English wife Alma, who was a highly developed medium. After her return to Paris, the Mother worked with several different groups of spiritual seekers.
Meeting Sri Aurobindo
She first heard of Sri Aurobindo from her friend Alexandra David-Neel, who had visited him in Pondicherry in 1912; and in 1914, along with her second husband Paul Richard, she was able to travel to Pondicherry and meet him in person. There, she immediately recognised him as a mentor she had encountered in earlier visions, and knew that her future work was at his side. Although she had to leave India after the outbreak of the First World War, first returning to France, and then accompanying Richard to an official post in Japan, in April 1920 she returned to join Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry and never left again. Sri Aurobindo recognised in her an embodiment of the dynamic expressive aspect of evolutionary, creative Force, in India traditionally known and approached as the 'Supreme Mother'.
Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville
It was the Mother, as Sri Aurobindo's 'Shakti', who organised the growing group of followers around him into the Sri Aurobindo Ashram from November 1926 onwards, and who in 1952, after his passing in 1950, created the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education to fulfil his wish to provide a new kind of education for Indian youth. In 1968 she founded the international township project of Auroville as a yet wider field for practical attempts to implement Sri Aurobindo's vision of new forms of individual and collective life, preparing the way towards a brighter future for the whole earth.
"Humanity is not the last rung of the terrestrial creation. Evolution continues and man will be surpassed. It is for each individual to know whether he wants to participate in the advent of this new species."
"For those who are satisfied with the world as it is, Auroville obviously has no reason to exist."
The Mother, 1966
The Mother, 1966
Consciousness beyond Mind
Both Sri Aurobindo and The Mother worked all their lives for the manifestation of a mode of consciousness beyond mind, which Sri Aurobindo named "Supermind" or "The Supramental". The full expression of this consciousness on earth would result not only in a new species, as far beyond Man as humanity is beyond the animals, but also in a modification of the whole terrestrial creation, even more complete than the change brought about by the entrance on the world scene of the human race.
Between humanity and the fully Supramental species there would have to be one or several transitional steps, represented by transitional beings, born in the human way, but able to contact and express the higher consciousness. These transitional beings would prepare the way for the advent of the Supramental Race by establishing suitable conditions.
After Sri Aurobindo's passing, the Mother continued his work of psychological and physical transformation with the help of the new force. An account of her experiences in the course of this work is given in The Mothers Agenda, an intimate record of the last 18 years of her life.
Their work continues.
The Mother had given this to Her children
Remember me
Remember my child, I am always with you deep in your soul.
At all hours I watch over your life with Love And Care
And Guide your uncertain steps.
Remember me Where ever you may be in this World.
Repeat my name when ever you have a little time to spare.
I am Present Everywhere. To see and feel my Presence my child you only have to switch on your inner Light.
I am Inside you,outside you,above and below.
You can feel my Love with only a little warmth on your side.
Remember I never scold or punish, that is not my way
I am pouring my love inside your heart day or night
Remember me, I am your Mother, Father, Counseller and Queen.
Remember me always for I am your closest, dearest and faithful friend.
Hide nothing from me.
Depend on me for all your needs.
Remember you are my child, I can never be ashamed of you.
Whatever you do, Remember me, I shall give you sunshine, laughter and joy in your life which no one can take away from you.
In spite of your thousand mistakes hold on to me,
Remember my child can never fail.
Tell me all your plans and dreams. I am always with you.
Remember I love and Protect you.
I want you to be really good, always happy my child.
Remember I live in the heart of all living beings, human and animal.
When you are kind to anyone, Remember you are kind to me.
Be generous as the ocean, fill the world with good thoughts and feelings.
Be straight and simple.
Remember me always without fail.
Enter your heart to know what I like,
Remember never to tell a lie.
I shall put within your reach all that is noble and beautiful.
Have the utmost Goodwill for all,
Remember all are my children.
Remember me for any help, for I am always with you day and night.
Remember my child your life is worth living only in the service of the Divine
The Mother
Thanks a lot for the wonderful saying I was in a much confused state about my PhD admission, and Once i saw ur blog I was so happy when I read mother's saying . I was literally confused whether I was half way practicing Mother But Not IM very clear that she is always with everyone , within everyone
fantastic words thanks for sharing this post
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